JSON Web Encryption¶
JSON Web Encryption (JWE) represents encrypted content using JSON-based data structures. (via RFC7516)
Compact Encryption¶
The JWE Compact Serialization represents encrypted content as a compact, URL-safe string. This string is:
BASE64URL(UTF8(JWE Protected Header)) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWE Encrypted Key) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWE Initialization Vector) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWE Ciphertext) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWE Authentication Tag)
An example of a compact serialization (line breaks for display purposes only):
You can call jwe.encrypt_compact()
to construct a compact JWE serialization:
from joserfc import jwe
from joserfc.jwk import OctKey
protected = {"alg": "A128KW", "enc": "A128GCM"}
key = OctKey.generate_key(128) # algorithm requires key of big size 128
data = jwe.encrypt_compact(protected, "hello", key)
A compact JWE is constructed by protected
header, plaintext
and a public key.
In the above example, protected
is the “protected header” part, “hello” is the
plaintext part, and key
is the public key part (oct key is a symmetric key, it is
a shared key, there is no public or private differences).
It is suggested that you learn the JSON Web Key section, and find the correct key type according to JSON Web Encryption Algorithms.
It is very easy to decrypt the compact serialization in the previous example with
obj = jwe.decrypt_compact(data, key)
# obj.protected => {"alg": "A128KW", "enc": "A128GCM"}
# obj.plaintext => b"hello"
If the algorithm is accepting an asymmetric key, you MUST use a private key
in decrypt_compact
JSON Encryption¶
The JWE JSON Serialization represents encrypted content as a JSON object. This representation is neither optimized for compactness nor URL safe.
An example of a JWE using the general JWE JSON Serialization is as follows:
"protected":"<integrity-protected shared header contents>",
"unprotected":<non-integrity-protected shared header contents>,
{"header":<per-recipient unprotected header 1 contents>,
"encrypted_key":"<encrypted key 1 contents>"},
{"header":<per-recipient unprotected header N contents>,
"encrypted_key":"<encrypted key N contents>"}],
"aad":"<additional authenticated data contents>",
"iv":"<initialization vector contents>",
"ciphertext":"<ciphertext contents>",
"tag":"<authentication tag contents>"
Changed in version 0.6.0: jwe.JSONEncryption
is seperated to GeneralJSONEncryption
and FlattenedJSONEncryption
The structure for JSON JWE serialization is a little complex, developers
SHOULD create an object of jwe.GeneralJSONEncryption
at first:
from joserfc.jwk import OctKey, RSAKey
from joserfc.jwe import GeneralJSONEncryption, encrypt_json
obj = GeneralJSONEncryption({"enc": "A128GCM"}, b"hello")
# add first recipient with alg of A128KW
key1 = OctKey.generate_key(128)
obj.add_recipient({"alg": "A128KW"}, key1)
# add second recipient with alg of RSA-OAEP
key2 = RSAKey.generate_key() # the alg requires RSAKey
obj.add_recipient({"alg": "RSA-OAEP"}, key2)
# since every recipient has recipient key,
# there is no need to pass a public key parameter
encrypt_json(obj, None)
If you prefer adding recipient keys from existing key set:
import json
from joserfc.jwk import KeySet
with open("your-jwks.json") as f:
data = json.load(f)
key_set = KeySet.import_key_set(data)
# then add each recipient with ``kid``
obj.add_recipient({"alg": "A128KW", "kid": "oct-key-id"})
obj.add_recipient({"alg": "RSA-OAEP", "kid": "rsa-key-id"})
# then pass the key set as the ``key`` parameter
encrypt_json(obj, key_set)
Calling jwe.decrypt_json()
could decrypt the JSON Serialization in the above
example. Most of the time, you would need a JWK Set of private keys for decryption.
import json
from joserfc import jwe
from joserfc.jwk import KeySet
with open("your-private-jwks.json") as f:
data = json.load(f)
key_set = KeySet.import_key_set(data)
def parse_jwe(data):
# this data is a dict of JWE JSON Serialization
jwe.decrypt_json(data, key_set)
By default, jwe.decrypt_json
will validate all the recipients, if one recipient
validation fails, the method will raise an error.
You can also change the default behavior to bypass the decryption with only one recipient get verified:
registry = JWERegistry(verify_all_recipients=False)
jwe.decrypt_json(data, key_set, registry=registry)
General and Flattened¶
The above example is a General JWE JSON Serialization, there is also a Flattened JWE JSON Serialization. The Flattened one MUST ONLY contain one recipient.
The syntax of a JWE using the flattened JWE JSON Serialization is as follows:
"protected":"<integrity-protected header contents>",
"unprotected":<non-integrity-protected header contents>,
"header":<more non-integrity-protected header contents>,
"encrypted_key":"<encrypted key contents>",
"aad":"<additional authenticated data contents>",
"iv":"<initialization vector contents>",
"ciphertext":"<ciphertext contents>",
"tag":"<authentication tag contents>"
It is flattened, it moves all the members out of the recipients
field. To
into a flattened serialization, you can construct a
:class`jwe.FlattenedJSONEncryption` instead:
obj = FlattenedJSONEncryption(protected, plaintext)
And make sure only adding one recipient.
Algorithms & Registry¶
module would ONLY allow recommended algorithms by default,
you can find which algorithm is recommended according to
JSON Web Encryption Algorithms.
It is possible to support non-recommended algorithms by passing the
parameter, or with a custom registry
jwe.encrypt_compact(protected, plaintext, key, algorithms=["A128GCM", "A128KW"])
registry = JWERegistry(algorithms=["A128GCM", "A128KW"])
jwe.encrypt_compact(protected, plaintext, key, registry=registry)
The registry is a little complex, find out more on the Registry section.