This part of the documentation covers all the interfaces of joserfc.jws
- class joserfc.jws.CompactSignature(protected: Dict[str, Any], payload: bytes)¶
JSON Web Signature object for compact mode. This object is used to represent the JWS instance.
- class joserfc.jws.FlattenedJSONSerialization¶
- class joserfc.jws.FlattenedJSONSignature(member: HeaderMember, payload: bytes)¶
JSON Signature object that represents a flattened JSON serialization.
- flattened: ClassVar[bool] = True¶
mark it as flattened
- member¶
the only header member
- payload¶
payload content
- class joserfc.jws.GeneralJSONSerialization¶
- class joserfc.jws.GeneralJSONSignature(members: list[HeaderMember], payload: bytes)¶
JSON Signature object that represents a general JSON serialization.
- flattened: ClassVar[bool] = False¶
mark it as not flattened (general)
- members¶
a list of header members
- payload¶
payload content
- class joserfc.jws.HeaderDict¶
- class joserfc.jws.HeaderMember(protected: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, header: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)¶
A header member of the JSON signature. It is combined with protected header, and unprotected header.
- header¶
unprotected header
- protected¶
protected header
- class joserfc.jws.JWSAlgModel¶
Interface for JWS algorithm. JWA specification (RFC7518) SHOULD implement the algorithms for JWS with this base implementation.
- abstractmethod sign(msg: bytes, key: Any) bytes ¶
Sign the text msg with a private/sign key.
- Parameters:
msg – message bytes to be signed
key – private key to sign the message
- Returns:
- abstractmethod verify(msg: bytes, sig: bytes, key: Any) bool ¶
Verify the signature of text msg with a public/verify key.
- Parameters:
msg – message bytes to be signed
sig – result signature to be compared
key – public key to verify the signature
- Returns:
- class joserfc.jws.JWSRegistry(header_registry: Dict[str, HeaderParameter] | None = None, algorithms: list[str] | None = None, strict_check_header: bool = True)¶
A registry for JSON Web Signature to keep all the supported algorithms. An instance of
is usually used together with methods injoserfc.jws
.- Parameters:
header_registry – extra header parameters registry
algorithms – allowed algorithms to be used
strict_check_header – only allow header key in the registry to be used
- check_header(header: Dict[str, Any]) None ¶
Check and validate the fields in header part of a JWS object.
- get_alg(name: str) JWSAlgModel ¶
Get the allowed algorithm instance of the given name.
- Parameters:
name – value of the
, e.g.HS256
- classmethod register(alg: JWSAlgModel) None ¶
Register a given JWS algorithm instance to the registry.
- joserfc.jws.deserialize_compact(value: bytes | str, public_key: str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet | Callable[[GuestProtocol], str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet], algorithms: list[str] | None = None, registry: JWSRegistry | None = None) CompactSignature ¶
Extract and validate the JWS Compact Serialization (in string, or bytes) with the given key. An JWE Compact Serialization looks like:
line breaks for display purposes only¶eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9 . eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFt cGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ . dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk
- Parameters:
value – a string (or bytes) of the JWS Compact Serialization
public_key – a flexible public key to verify the signature
algorithms – a list of allowed algorithms
registry – a JWSRegistry to use
- Returns:
object of the
- joserfc.jws.deserialize_json(value: GeneralJSONSerialization, public_key: str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet | Callable[[GuestProtocol], str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet], algorithms: list[str] | None = None, registry: JWSRegistry | None = None) GeneralJSONSignature ¶
- joserfc.jws.deserialize_json(value: FlattenedJSONSerialization, public_key: str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet | Callable[[GuestProtocol], str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet], algorithms: list[str] | None = None, registry: JWSRegistry | None = None) FlattenedJSONSignature
Extract and validate the JWS (in string) with the given key.
- Parameters:
value – a dict of the JSON signature
public_key – a flexible public key to verify the signature
algorithms – a list of allowed algorithms
registry – a JWSRegistry to use
- Returns:
object of the SignatureData
- Raise:
ValueError or BadSignatureError
- joserfc.jws.detach_content(value: DetachValue) DetachValue ¶
In some contexts, it is useful to integrity-protect content that is not itself contained in a JWS. This method is an implementation of https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7515#appendix-F
It is used to detach the content of the compact and JSON serialization.
>>> from joserfc import jws >>> from joserfc.jwk import OctKey >>> key = OctKey.import_key("secret") >>> encoded_text = jws.serialize_compact({"alg": "HS256"}, b"hello", key) >>> jws.detach_content(encoded_text) 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9..UYmO_lPAY5V0Wf4KZsfhiYs1SxqXPhxvjuYqellDV5A'
You can also detach the JSON serialization:
>>> obj = jws.serialize_json({"protected": {"alg": "HS256"}}, b"hello", key) >>> jws.detach_content(obj) { 'payload': '', 'signature': 'UYmO_lPAY5V0Wf4KZsfhiYs1SxqXPhxvjuYqellDV5A', 'protected': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9' }
- joserfc.jws.extract_compact(value: bytes) CompactSignature ¶
Extract the JWS Compact Serialization from bytes to object.
- Parameters:
value – JWS in bytes
- Raise:
- joserfc.jws.serialize_compact(protected: Dict[str, Any], payload: bytes | str, private_key: str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet | Callable[[GuestProtocol], str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet], algorithms: list[str] | None = None, registry: JWSRegistry | None = None) str ¶
Generate a JWS Compact Serialization. The JWS Compact Serialization represents digitally signed or MACed content as a compact, URL-safe string, per Section 7.1.
BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWS Payload) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWS Signature)
- Parameters:
protected – protected header part of the JWS, in dict
payload – payload data of the JWS, in bytes
private_key – a flexible private key to sign the signature
algorithms – a list of allowed algorithms
registry – a JWSRegistry to use
- Returns:
JWS in str
- joserfc.jws.serialize_json(members: list[HeaderDict], payload: bytes | str, private_key: str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet | Callable[[GuestProtocol], str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet], algorithms: list[str] | None = None, registry: JWSRegistry | None = None) GeneralJSONSerialization ¶
- joserfc.jws.serialize_json(members: HeaderDict, payload: bytes | str, private_key: str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet | Callable[[GuestProtocol], str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet], algorithms: list[str] | None = None, registry: JWSRegistry | None = None) FlattenedJSONSerialization
Generate a JWS JSON Serialization (in dict). The JWS JSON Serialization represents digitally signed or MACed content as a JSON object. This representation is neither optimized for compactness nor URL-safe.
A general JWS JSON Serialization contains:
- payload
The “payload” member MUST be present and contain the value BASE64URL(JWS Payload).
- signatures
The “signatures” member value MUST be an array of JSON objects. Each object represents a signature or MAC over the JWS Payload and the JWS Protected Header.
A flatten JWS JSON Serialization looks like:
{ "payload":"<payload contents>", "protected":"<integrity-protected header contents>", "header":<non-integrity-protected header contents>, "signature":"<signature contents>" }
- joserfc.jws.validate_compact(obj: CompactSignature, public_key: str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet | Callable[[GuestProtocol], str | bytes | OctKey | RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | KeySet], algorithms: list[str] | None = None, registry: JWSRegistry | None = None) bool ¶
Validate the JWS Compact Serialization with the given key. This method is usually used together with
.- Parameters:
obj – object of the JWS Compact Serialization
public_key – a flexible public key to verify the signature
algorithms – a list of allowed algorithms
registry – a JWSRegistry to use